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Sunday, April 29, 2012

The 7 Most Bizarre Ways to Die

Death may be inevitable, but very few people go out like this. From cartoonishly tragic, to macabrely ironic, these are the 7 most bizarre ways to die.
Slipping on a Banana Peel

Might sound like something out of a 1950s cartoon, but Bobby Leach tripped, and died, on a banana peel. Leach was the first person to survive a barrel ride down Niagara Falls, but apparently he couldn’t survive the dangers of disposed fruit.
When Unbreakable Glass is Breakable

Garry Hoy thought that the glass on the 24th floor of the Toronto-Dominion Center was unbreakable. Hoy was so sure of the fact that he decided to prove it to some friends. Hoy threw himself against the glass, and when it broke, he fell 24 stories to his death.
The Smoking Gun
A lawyer, Clement Laird Vallandigham, was trying to get his client off of murder charges by showing that the victim could have accidentally shot himself. During his demonstration Vallandigham accidentally shot himself and died. The good news, his client was found not guilty.
And Suddenly… A Cobra
While driving through the English countryside, a couple was surprised to hear a thump, then a hiss, then nothing at all. According to the Sun, an eagle had caught, and then dropped a cobra into the sun roof of the moving vehicle. The cobra just did what cobra’s do, and killed both people in the car.
Scuba Diver Dies in Fire
When a wildfire broke it in California in 1998, helicopters were dispatched to pick up large buckets of water from the ocean. Unfortunately, a scuba diver was picked up with one of the buckets of water and dropped onto the fire.
A Mathematical Error
Johann Underwald was a math genius that was often described as the next Einstein. But Underwald won’t be remembered for his genius, but instead, for his stupidity. Underwald used 300 feet of bungee chord to make a 250 foot jump. Needless to say, Underwald died immediately upon impact.
Self-Made Electric Chair
Michael Anderson Godwin had a stroke of good luck when his electrical chair death sentence was reduced to life in prison. But Godwin was apparently destined to die in an electric chair. Goodwin was fixing an appliance while sitting on a metal toilet. He bit into a wire and created his own hand-made electric chair.


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