Saturday, April 21, 2012

✿Fake Crowds In Movies!!

Fake Crowds In Movies!!

In need of a massive crowd of people, but don’t have thousands of adoring followers at your disposal? Why not go with Inflatable Crowd? Next time you watch a movie that contains a literal cast of thousands watching from the stands, remember… movies lie. Since 2002, our Inflatable Crowds have been seen (but not noticed) in over 80 feature films many TV shows commercials. Outsourcing the role of “background actors” to inanimate objects isn’t new, of course; producers have used cardboard cutouts in the past. But those two-dimensional performers severely limit usable camera angles. And adding a CG crowd can cost $50,000 per scene. Inflatables look real and are affordable, with a day rate starting at just $10 per head, roughly a tenth the typical rate for a human extra. Next time you’re watching a movie and there’s a scene set at a sporting event or political rally, look very closely at the cheering masses. Are they human? Or just gussied up balloon manimals?

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